Prioritize your mental health journey today and let healing and hope come together.
Clinical Services
Therapy in a group or individual setting, aims to identify troubling emotions, thoughts, or behavior using a variety of treatment techniques. It can follow other treatment modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and ART Therapy. Learn More
Telehealth is a safe and convenient option for getting clinical health care at home. You may attend appointments without the need for transportation, missing work, or arranging for childcare which is important in a long-term treatment plan. *Availability is based on your insurance’s approval. Learn More
ART therapy is an evidenced-based therapy that utilizes eye movement therapy, matched with Gestalt psychotherapy, to help survivors of trauma overcome intrusive thoughts and persistent negative memories. Learn More
Through attachment based therapy, a client’s childhood experience is brought into awareness to create more adaptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, as well as to develop a more secure attachment style. Learn More

Bilingual (Spanish) Therapy
Good communication between you and your therapist is key to success in therapy and a language barrier can make it impossible to communicate effectively. If Spanish is your native language and you feel most comfortable expressing yourself in that language, we offer bilingual therapy.
Positive Psychology looks at each individual as a whole, considering the spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional dimensions in an effort to transform their personal and professional lives. Learn More
Focuses on personal strengths, resiliency and values to empower people to begin their sober life on solid footing, and to energize them in long term recovery from addiction or co-dependency to discover new levels of life satisfaction. Learn More
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and effective psychotherapeutic treatment for a range of emotional and psychological disorders. Dive deep into the world of CBT and uncover how it can foster change, growth, and healing. Learn More
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of talk therapy for people who experience emotions very intensely. It’s a common therapy for people with borderline personality disorder, but therapists provide it for other mental health conditions as well. Learn More
Involves a range of therapeutic modalities to support individuals facing terminal illnesses or approaching death. Includes grief counseling to help cope with loss, family therapy to address family dynamics and support systems, and existential therapy to explore the meaning and purpose of life. Learn More
Exposure therapy is a form of CBT that helps people overcome their fears and anxieties by teaches coping skills and by breaking the pattern of fear and avoidance. It works by exposing you to a stimulus that causes fear in a safe environment. Learn More
Focuses on various social factors that create complex challenges for women that may negatively contribute to their mental health. Mental health professionals utilize a strength base approach to identity development and personal advancement. Learn More
Strength-based therapy is a type of positive psychotherapy and counseling that sets up a positive mindset that helps you build on your best qualities, find your strengths, improve resilience, and change your worldview to one that is more positive.. Learn More
A variety of approaches that include affirmative therapy to validate and support LGBTQ identity, cognitive-behavioral therapy to challenge negative thought patterns, and family therapy to address familial issues and promote understanding and acceptance. Learn More
MBCT therapy incorporates mindfulness practices, such as being present in the moment, awareness, meditation, and breathing exercises accompanied by a more traditional CBT approach. Learn More
Neurofeedback is a form of neurotherapy that trains your brainwaves to achieve a healthier state – kind of like exercise, but for your brain by using EEG technology to measure your brainwave activity and offer you feedback on your performance in real time. Learn More
The systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained Play Therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development. Learn More
Helps children, adolescents and their families address the negative effects of trauma, including processing traumatic memories, overcoming problematic thoughts and behaviors, and developing effective coping and interpersonal skills. Learn More
Insurances We Accept*
- Anthem
- United Health Care
- Harvard Pilgrim
- Oxford
- Tufts
- Cigna
- Evernorth
- Aetna
- Medicare
- Medicaid/Husky
- Private Pay ($160/Initial, $135/Routine Sessions, $45/group)
*We recommend that you consult your insurance provider to verify coverage prior to your first visit.